Juilliard Schoolhört mit ADAM Audio "Hinter die Musik"
ADAM NutzerBerlin, 8. September 2010
Die Juilliard School, eine der berühmtesten Musikschulen der Welt, hat kürzlich eine umfassende Erneuerung durchgeführt, die Teil einer allgemeinen Verbesserung der Ausstattung in New Yorks Lincoln Center ist. Auch das Recording Department profitierte von den Veränderungen.
Bob Taibbi, der Direktor des Recording Department, erklärt die Einzelheiten: „In addition to a new orchestra rehearsal room and main control room, they also built a whole new suite of audio and video edit rooms because we needed more space.“
ADAM Audio Monitore sind ein integraler Bestandteil von Taibbis Einrichtung: Im Hauptkontrollraum befinden sich P11As und in den Schnitträumen A7s. Auf die Frage, warum er sich für ADAM entschieden habe, erinnert Taibbi sich an seine erste Begegnung mit den Monitoren auf einer AES Messe: „I was interested in their ribbon concept and they sounded great at the show, but you can’t judge anything based on that. So I auditioned a pair because I’d been using other monitors which were good but I hadn’t found what I needed in Nearfield monitors. When I A/B’ed the ADAMs with the other monitors, I was immediately able to hear what I’d been missing in terms of crispness and clarity that’s in the sound yet still get the overall view of someone who’s listening to the program material in their living room. The ADAM monitors gave me a crisp, clear sound and the background that I wanted. When you record classical music, there’s a lot going on in terms of nuance and room sound and the timbre of the instruments, all of which is critical to the final sound. I always listen ‚beyond the music,‘ to what’s behind the music.“
Und Taibbi erklärt ferner: „And I when I played the ADAM speakers, because they’re so accurate, I’d start to hear things I hadn’t noticed before, some of which weren’t always that great sounding (laughs). They’re very uncompromising and if there are problems with the mix or the recording, they will be revealed by the ADAMs. Which allowed me to correct certain things I never realized were there when I was tracking. They’re unforgiving to a degree about certain elements, but that’s what you want. You don’t want to color it. When you want to get critical, you need critical speakers.“