GRYD Studiofinds the perfect sound with ADAM Audio

ADAM Users
GRYD Studios Edric Hwang with his ADAM Audio S3X-H studio monitors

Working with Grammy winners and the best chart solo artists was obviously not challenging enough for the young people at the GRYD studio in the heart of Singapore.

After Edric Hwang’s multitalented team at GRYD recently expanded its capabilities to include audio post workflows such as Foley and Sound Design as well as Music Composing Services, it relies on ADAM Audio speakers to offer its wide range of performance at the highest level. GRYD includes a shared live recording area connected to two control rooms, one equipped with a pair of S3X-H and the other with two A77X monitors. Asked what he sees as the key strengths of ADAM Audio professional monitors, Edric answers: “The mid-range has just the right amount of clarity and definition, and the highs are prominent enough to make decisions about the lightness and top end, while the lows give me a balanced perspective”.

His first pair of ADAM Audio speakers, two second-hand A7, was purchased by Edric through craigslist. “I heard things in my mixes that I hadn’t heard before,” he recalls. “And I could mix at a lower volume without losing any frequency information. Since then, Edric has been a loyal ADAM Audio customer. He adds that his customers almost never say anything about the quality of the sound from his speakers. “That’s what makes ADAMs even better. They don’t influence my customers in the evaluation of their material. That’s how monitors should be: honest.”


GRYD Studio with ADAM Audio S3X-H studio monitors

“The middle range has just the right amount of clarity and definition and the highs are prominent enough to make decisions about the lightness and the upper end, while the lows give me a balanced perspective”.

The interior of GRYD has an elegant and polished look, complemented by the clean, handcrafted design of its two ADAM Audio speaker sets. The design creates a minimalist, clean environment that reduces visual distractions so employees can focus on what’s important. Edric and his team rely on the unique combination of design and technology to deliver the coveted ADAM Audio sound. ADAM Audio monitors, he says, “provide all the information I need clearly and accurately,” adding that the clarity throughout the sound landscape distinguishes them from all the other monitors he has tested over the years.